Tuesday, September 03, 2002

The Saga Begins

I sent the following email to friends and family:
Dear Friends and Family:

This morning Butterscotch, "my" cat and buddy, came home very weak - barely able to stand. I took him to the vet, where I found, happily, that he doesn't have Feline Leukemia. However, he's extremely anemic with a blood count (PCV) of 6 when it should be 40, and his temperature was 92°F instead of 100. He was extremely dehydrated. After getting subcutaneous saline, I took him to the Vet Hospital at the UW, where he is now getting a transfusion and staying at LEAST overnight. They'll be running tests to figure out what's going on in his body. While no one said it in words, I'm quite sure he's in critical condition (the doctor asked whether they should resuscitate if he arrests). I've never seen or heard him in such distress before.

I am feeling profoundly sad and worried right now, although it's really mainly sad. In terms of support, I would appreciate it if, in your own way, you would hold Butterscotch in your thoughts. I'm doing a good job of taking care of myself - working on and off at home today. I'm also feeling thankful that he's in a good place, and I have the resources to get him what he needs.

Thank you for your support. I'll send updates as I learn more.



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