Friday, September 06, 2002

Swimcaps Revisited & Homeopathics

Butterscotch and me before his treatment on Thursday. You can see the shaved part on his belly.
Before work I went to Willy St. Coop & Green Earth to get the Homeopathics that Cynthia prescribed for Butterscotch. I returned home and put the Nux Vomica (great name, huh?) in his water, then left for work.
For lunch, Rachel and I went with our coworker Tony to Middleton Fitness, where I bought an ugly swimcap (to spite "the man", who's forcing me to wear it), and she bought a racing top. Then lunch at Hubbard Avenue Diner. Mmmmm.

I spoke with Dr. Wagner around 5, and the results weren't yet in. I had an interesting conversation with her about what Cynthia had determined was the cause. She said far be it from her to question it. She'll give me a call on Monday, since hopefully the results should be in then. She'll want to start him on steroids, which should kick his marrow into action, again depending upon the results. She counseled me that if anything happens before then, I can bring him in there or to Dr. Stehr, my vet.

After work, Butterscotch was once again in the front window. He's really pining to go outside, although he wasn't difficult like he was this morning. I checked the capillary action of his gum, and it looks appreciably slower than it did this morning. Hmmm. We sat in the chair in the bay window for a while before I had to take off. I think his missing me overtook his desire to get outside. He sat and relaxed and cleaned himself. He seems very much his usual self.

I had a dinner meeting with Diane and Karen, and was a little preoccupied the whole time, concerned that he's going through the cells from his transfusions. Cat red blood cells last 10 days, so by Monday he'll likely have gone through half of what he was given. I hope his marrow kick in soon, so that he won't have to keep going to the hospital for transfusions.

I'm really pretty tired tonight. I'll not be staying up much longer. I want to make sure I get enough rest before the triathlon on Sunday.

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